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Osteopathy is a system of  musculoskeletal medicine. Osteopathic treatment is based on the principle that, if the body moves well, its parts function well, therefore leaving you pain free to do the things you want to do.

An osteopath treats the whole body, rather than just the injury, because all the parts of the body are connected.  By treating all the affected areas, you will have less pain, recover faster, and get on with the important things in life.

As osteopaths we examine the jointsmusclesnerves, and ligaments for injury, mis-alignment and pain.  If necessary, osteopaths can arrange special diagnostic tests which help to confirm the what’s really going on and causing the problem.

Osteopaths also give advice on food and diet, exercises and movements to help you recover and avoid further injury, and medications for pain relief and inflammation.


Regulation and Training for Osteopaths

An osteopath is a government registered practitioner of musculoskeletal medicine. Osteopaths are primary health care practitioners; that is you do not need a referral to see one. Osteopaths are trained to diagnose and treat problems of the musculoskeletal system and related areas of the body.

Currently, osteopaths are registered in each state and territory of Australia.  During 2010, state registration will be replaced with Federal Registration with the Australian Osteopathic Council.

Before the osteopath determines the appropriate treatment for your specific condition, they will thoroughly assess you with standard medical examination tests and special osteopathic tests.  If hands-on osteopathic techniques are a part of your personalised treatment plan, the osteopath can choose from a number of different techniques depending on your needs, such as:

  • Stretching involves lengthening  muscles that have become shortened or tightened and provides pain relief and ease of movement.
  • Soft tissue massage involves hands on techniques aimed at releasing tension from muscles and joints leaving you feeling stress free and increases those ‘happy’ hormones.
  • Joint manipulation involves a small, focused and precise movement applied to a specific joint. This sometimes makes an audible clicking sound. Manipulation has been shown to reduce pain and increase joint movement which leaves you feeling free and supple.
  • With Muscle energy technique the osteopath instructs the patient how to contract their own muscles into increase blood flow and improve muscle control which helps to prevent joint injury and pain.
  • Articulation and joint mobilisation techniques are gentle movements applied to any joint of the body to ease pain, improve mobility and restore function.
  • Therapeutic Ultrasound  involves  high frequency sound waves on tissues such as muscles, tendons and ligaments to decrease inflammation, increase elasticity and encourage healing of injured tissues.